Friday, April 17, 2009

Things to look forward to; my methods; etc

I plan to do more interviews at the July 4th protest, as well as any others in the Chicago area that I hear about in the interim. Hopefully I'll be able to obtain use of a good-quality video camera by then. If not, expect more audio and higher-quality photographs, as well as more scans of any fliers received.

If there's anything else you'd like to see, let me know in the comments.

I will continue to keep my questions as simple and unbiased as possible and simply let people speak with minimal interruptions. I am not a professional and have no prior journalism experience, nor any media contacts; I'm just a kid who wants to document a social movement. This time around, my leading question was along the lines of "Why are you out here today?/Why are you protesting?" with slight variations in wording as I got used to approaching people (this was honestly the first time I'd done anything like it).

I may branch out to other protests at some point, but that remains to be seen.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

a lengthy interview with some anti-scientology protesters present at the sidelines of the tax day tea party. they managed to speak about their cause - tangentially related to the tea party at large - for eight minutes, with specific criticisms and goals.

some interviewees from the tea party protests on 4/15, as well as a mounted officer near the rally site.

more misc photos from the tea party.

miscellaneous pictures of crowds and signs @ the 4/15 tea party.

found a stray flyer!

this one was photocopied on longer paper than normal. some of the bottom of each page is cut off. comment if you really want the rest. the main text of each side is still included.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

13MB zip containing all of my interviews.

The ones that didn't earn separate posts on this blog were of lesser interest, either for being short or having too much of me talking. See the "interview" tag for quick summaries and direct links to individual interviews with protesters present at the 4/15 Tax Day Tea Party protests in Chicago, IL.

Snippet of the crowd chanting "No more CNN." Presumably there was a CNN anchor present; not certain. Someone shouted "Get 'em!" almost immediately after I stopped recording.

"Obama ... needs to put more faith in free enterprise."

Business owner whose business is going to close because of over-taxation.

Brief snippet from a woman who had brought several of her children - I had just started to ask her my questions when a Fox News anchor stepped in. Not certain what his question was, but I recorded some of her response.

Woman from the American Friends Committee who is concerned about defense spending.

Plans to take away free speech and gun rights are "in the works."

A quick run-down about the Campaign for Liberty, as well as the assertion that the Federal Reserve is a major problem of our economic problems.

"So we're back to the whole thing with we formed when this country was formed, taxation without representation. Which is why, you know, the people came here to the united states, which was the problem with the king, that people were being taxed and had no say."

This guy's sign said something about Obama being an empty suit, and he had a child's suit hanging from the back of it. He also talks about how we need to deregulate more and "do what worked in America for over a century and let the American people do their thing."

His concerns are "so many numerous to mention, such as illegal aliens being here." Also talks about the DHS report ignoring terrorists and worrying about people who don't support Obama. Also something about the postal service.

table of contents for republic magazine

free copy of republic magazine

tax day tea party flyer

anti-scientology flyer

front page of the phyllis schlafly report, w/ article about "Obama's 'New World Order'"

libertarian party of chicago flyer
friends service flyer

flyer from a local baptist church

campaign for liberty flyer